For teens to have an interest in and to experience feelings for members of the opposite gender is natural and healthy. God created us this way. However, His counsel also clearly points out that the time of training for God’s service in academy is not the time to pursue these feelings and interests. Instead, young people should avert their attention from these feelings by focusing on their own physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual development. Our staff seek to provide support and guidance in this area for any students who may need it, and students are encouraged to seek such support from appropriate staff members and their parents as needed.
If students experience feelings for, or interest in, members of the opposite gender and they choose to feed these by spending time together, communicating their interest in each other, or in other ways forming a special attachment, it will have a detrimental effect on the students involved themselves, on other students, and on the school environment. It is our policy that if students persist in behavior, as mentioned above, that tends to feed a romantic relationship, it will result in dismissal as stated in the handbook. We believe this is in accordance with divine counsel.
While at school, student should not allow their minds to become confused by thoughts of courtship. They are there to gain a fitness to work for God, and this thought is ever to be uppermost. Let all students take as broad a view as possible of their obligations to God. Let them study earnestly how they can do practical work for the Master during their student life. Let them refuse to burden the souls of their teachers by showing a spirit of levity and a careless disregard of rules... Again and again I stood before the students in the Avondale school with messages from the Lord regarding the deleterious influence of free and easy association between young men and young women. I told them that if they did not keep themselves to themselves, and endeavor to make the most of their time, the school would not benefit them, and those who were paying their expenses would be disappointed. I told them that if they were determined to have their own will and their own way, it would be better for them to return to their homes and to the guardianship of their parents. – Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students -Pages 100-101
The young affections should be restrained until the period arrives when sufficient age and experience will make it honorable and safe to unfetter them. Those who will not be restrained will be in danger of dragging out an unhappy existence. A youth not out of his teens is a poor judge of the fitness of a person as young as himself to be his companion for life. – Messages to Young People -Page 452
Let those students who are away from their homes, no longer under the direct influence of their parents, remember that the eye of their Heavenly Father is upon them. He loves the youth. He knows their necessities, He understands their temptations. He sees in them great possibilities, and is ready to help them to reach the highest standard, if they will realize their need and seek Him for help. – Messages to Young People -Page 413
In summary: We understand that it is natural for young people of opposite genders to be interested in each other. But for students of Fountainview Academy, feeding these interests and forming or maintaining a romantic relationship in any way is not allowed. We believe our school environment should be free from the negative effects of untimely romantic relationships or even from students being caught up in who is interested in whom, etc. Instead, we want our young people to be free to focus on the opportunities and responsibilities God has given for developing their relationship with Him, equipping themselves for service, and building characters for eternity.
I have read and understand Fountainview Academy’s policies on romantic relationships stated in this document and in the Student Handbook and do hereby agree to uphold and support them.