Please fill in the "location descriptions" text box. Refer to the following graphic representations to help you describe the staircase or multiple staircases the piano must travel.
If you have photos of the piano, staircases, or any other photos to help illustrate possible difficulties our piano movers might face. Upload them below the "location descriptions" text box.
Bulkhead height. Will that piano fit through the staircase??? Here's how to measure. Depending on the bulkhead height from landing, the shortest height may need to be higher than the piano height relative to its length and changing pitch line as it levels out on the landing.

Any turn within 5 feet of a staircase must be declared in advance. If declared after pricing is settled, said price is void.

style 1
1 Half landing close to bottom of stair case.
style 2
1 half winder mid-way OR Spiral staircase.
style 3
2 quarter landings
style 4
1 quarter winder at the top of stair case.
style 5
Strait stair case.
style 6
1 quarter landing at the top of the stair case
style 7
1 Half landing middle of stair case.
style 8
1 quarter winder middle of stair case.
style 9
1 half winder close to top of stair case.
style 10
1 half winder close to bottom of stair case.
style 11
1 quarter winder close to bottom of stair case.
style 12
1 quarter landing close to bottom of stair case.